Monday 25 February 2008

Don't forget the cough sweets!

And so at last we finally got our trip to London. We had to cancel the last one because of the colds kindly passed on by the dgd and even though I am still coughing, I decided that we just had to go. So an uneventful train journey, a nice walk to the hotel. Pizza for lunch and then to the V&A for some culture. We couldn't get over how many people there were around. Standing room only on the tube, crowds milling around the galleries and the cafe and everywhere is far too hot. We didn't manage to find where Sue Lawty's stuff was located, we did see some wonderful exhibits. I am having a rethink about my IKAT scarf having seen the wonderful IKAT items and DH is beginning to want to start chipping away a stones. So with sore feet, back to the hotel to get changed and off to Leicester Square. We found a really nice Greek restaurant in St Martin's Lane and had a leisurely meal before setting off for the Duke of York 's theatre and the Magic Flute, African style! Check out the website, although the sound quality does not convey the excitement of the live performance. Everyone stood up and clapped at the end of the show and we didn't want it to end. But then back to the hotel in time for match of the day! Deep joy. Sunday dawned sunny and warm, so after breakfast a bus ride to Waterloo, a wander along the river and a nice lunch before heading back to King's Cross and the train home. We had sore feet, but were so glad we went. I even managed to save my coughing for the loud bits!

We must be more adventurous and do it again! History boys here we come!!

Sunday 17 February 2008

Warp weave beetle & mount!

Fantastic name for a workshop, but what on earth does it mean! Making little woven items using linen thread and using them to make cards, bookmarks etc. The possibilities are endless. I usually avoid these workshops as they can be a distraction from the job in hand, but this was a really fun day and my mind is already buzzing with ideas. Not all guild members felt as enthusiastic, but those that took part had a really good day. Dot Seddon was a most entertaining tutor and inspired us with her enthusiasm and ideas. See photos below.

From such refined activity on Saturday, we move onto Sunday and the delivery of a ton of manure to the allotment. Bright blue sky and a steaming heap of the proverbial. We set to, and woth a little help from another plot holder it onlt took us an hour to move it! Forgot to take the camera so I can't show the delights of the steaming heap in February sunshine.

Then on Sunday afternoon, off to comet to look at DVD recorders. We bought one and then spent the rest of the day trying to work out how to work it and set it up with all the other equipment!! Where are all the foru year old children when you need them!

But we have had some truly fantastic weather. Hard frosts, wonderful blue skies, deep red sunsets and a full moon! Shame about the cough, but I have been able to carry on spinning the cotton and am planning the IKAT warp!

Thursday 7 February 2008

That Eureka moment!

First, the cotton! Now most of it is plied and here it is in all it's glory! Full of knots and bits that stick out at funny angles, but not over twisted and it will come in useful for embroidery. I think the technical term is "textured yarn"! The bits that remain on the bobbins are so badly spun that they are impossible to ply, so will be used with the embellisher. So I am congratulating myself on actually achieving a finished yarn on a totally unsuitable wheel.
And then there's the new wheel! as yet unused, but very pretty and now I have taken all the yarn off the Lendrum, I can start something new. More cotton? Bring it on!

A new adventure begins!

Sunday 3 February 2008

More new toys!

So after the new sewing machine came the new car and now the new spinning wheel. Where will it end!
A couple of years ago, I invested in a Lendrum wheel because it looks nice and is easier to transport than the Ashford. It also has a double treadle, a good thing for those of us expecting the hips to give out at some stage. But, (there's always a but!) I find the flyer doesn't fit all that well into the maiden and is quite floppy, and being a scotch tension set up, it is difficult to loosen the tension for cotton or silk spinning. It has also been difficult to get the tension cord set so that it is not knocked off the bobbin by the back end of the flyer. It does spin well when it's set up, and I like the tensioned lazy kate, but, I do not feel it is the wheel for me. So, as a new Timbertops wheel is out of the question, I have invested in a Kromski Symphony.

Easy(ish) to assemble, and I was spinning within a couple of hours of buying it. It has a heavier feel than the Lendrum, but the double drive band makes it much easier to get the sort of tension I prefer. It is not transportable, but you can't have everything!
So I decided to finish the silk and cotton started on the Lendrum before launching into the Kromski. It is set up differently with the orifice well on the left so I may need to revise my technique a bit. Practice as usual is needed. No photo of the new wheel just yet, but here is my silk. A little uneven, but shiny and just waiting for the dyes to make it really special. I am still plying the cotton, and given the number of times it has broken, it will not be a thing of beauty, but it may come in useful for something oneday!
The next decision is do I sign up for the certificate in hand spinning? Hmmm!