Monday 23 March 2009

Is it a plane?

Picked the DGD up from school on Friday afternoon and brought her home to give the DD a rest and a chance to recover from her sore throat. We're all dropping like flies at the moment with whatever this horrible bug is that's doing the rounds.

As the afternoon was so warm and sunny, we spent it outside in the garden and when our interest in horticulture flagged, we enlisted GD in making a see-saw out of old bits of wood and this then morphed into an areoplane! See below, for the inflight photos!

We would have loved her to have stayed a bit longer, but as it was Bradford Guild on Saturday and the DH had lots to do, we had to take her back home to Mum. She is becoming a lovely little girl and is a real pleasure to have around. Her imagination seems to have no bounds and I hope we can encourage her to use it to the full.

So to the guild meeting where I discovered that I am not very good at AGM issues and due to all that and a committee meeting, I didn't get to spin. I did get some lovely fibre from Freyalyn. Camel and silk in her poppy and murex colourway; merino and silk in murex and some lovely Bluefaced Leicester in a mixed colourway. The latter is destined to be the happy birthday surprise hat for the DH's big 60 in May! I have spun the first bobbins worth and am very pleased with the result. The only question is, have I bought enough to finish the job, or will I be forced to buy more fibre!

Then to mother's day and a visit from the DD and the DGD with a card and a lovely group hug which included GD and that made his day too. Then sinking into the sofa, with a glass or two of wine to watch England beat Scotland at Rugby.

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