Monday 19 January 2009

A chair is a piece of furniture

So, apparently it's official and I have been duly elected (alternatively given no choice) to be the Chairman of the Bradford Guild for the coming year. There has always been a huge controversy about this title due to some members being PC mad, but I am not a chair, so I am reverting to Chairman for my term of office! Anyway, do I mind being it? Well I'm not sure I am a suitable candidate, or that I know enough about what is going on to make my mark, but here goes!!! Everyone seems to be impressed by the programme I've put together for the coming year, so lets hope it comes up to expectations! As for the AGM itself, it was heartening to see lots of young and new members who weren't totally put off by some of the nit picking and I hope that we can continue to grow and prosper.

The best thing about the AGM is the lunch. Even though noone knows what anyone else is bringing, there always seems to be a wide range of dishes both savoury and sweet. I think I detected a little less quiche and slightly more rice this year. I was so full after the first course, that I couldn't face the puddings.

My fluffy mohair yarn is progressing, but I'm not sure what to ply it with. I fancy a very fine silk thread, but will have to take advice when I've got to the end of it.

As the Kromski wheel is proving hard to get adjusted correctly, I've finally bitten the bullet and bought Tina's Timbertops wheel. I know it only has one treadle and one of the uprights is broken, but now that Timbertops have sold their business on and the wheels are going to be made again, I thought I would be able to get it sorted. The DH has offered to try to mend it, so it would be good if he can.

The plumber will be calling to plumb in the belfast sink later this week, so I will now be able to shut myself in the work room and get some dyeing done.

Picking the child up from school tomorrow, so will probably be ready for bed at 7pm!

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