Tuesday 6 January 2009

Long time no blog

Where does the time go? It doesn't seem five minutes ago that I was worried about not getting my Christmas cards written and posted, getting presents bought and wrapped and getting ready for the trip to Cornwall. Now it's all over and January is marching along and I don't seem to have achieved much.

Well the cards did get written and posted, family was duly visited and presents exchanged. We did not over eat or drink too much and apart from getting whatever virus is doing the rounds, were fairly well.

Our journeys to and from Cornwall were pretty uneventful and traffic was light both ways. Lunch at the Anchor in Olbury on Severn was excellent as usual and apart from a very grey Christmas day, the sun shone for us. Although it was very cold we managed to get out for some walks by the sea and DH was able to indulge his hobby of impromptu cairn building! Thus.......

So what has been happening on the fibre front? The camel and silk blend has been spun and plied and is ready to knit up into a scarf. The silk yarn given to me for my birthday has made a nice scarf and just waiting for the finishing touches. The hat for DD is on the needles.
Spinning at Armley starts again tomorrow so the wheel is due for an overhaul and I will have to decide what to spin. Try the mohair perhaps?

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