Monday 15 October 2007

And another thing!

Not satified with the speed at which the cotton yarn is progressing, not enough time to get the new warp on the loom, scared of the new sewing machine and the dgd's shrug to finish, I thought I'd start something new. Like you do!

So having been a WOWIE for some time, I thought I would check out the Quiltwow taster and I've signed up for that too. This is the link If the articles are as good as the taster, it will be money well spent.
I was really impressed with Carol Dpwsett's article on postcards and thought I would have a go. Downloading Picasa proved to be a bit of a nightmare because I made a typo in the URL and was taken to a site I don't wish to revisit! Enough said! Check out the link It's simple to use, but it will take a bit of practice.

I chose these two photos from my existing folders, but without much thought except that they were both images I was particularly fond of.

This is the combined image waiting for me to start stitching. So watch this space.

In the meantime, I overcame my fear of the new machine and completed the embroidery I started at a workshop back in September. This was based on Alison Holt's methods and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. The new machine is taking a while to get used to, but now I have mastered the threading process, I am managing to make progress and no more broken threads. It occurrred to me that I had read somewhere that the machine embroidery threads deteriorate with age and I have had some of them a while. Anyway, here is the result. It's not as finished as I would have liked because the stitching was so dense, I was in danger of breaking even more needles, but on the principle of "less is more" here it is!!!

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