Friday 19 October 2007

It's art Jim, but not as we know it!

Well, it's sort of finished, but a bit ragged at the edges. It's a bit tricky keeping the postcard square and to get it to size after stitching.In a rush to finish as usual but it was valuable experience. More practice needed in getting the images to blend and a bit more thought about how to highlight the main features of both. Roll on R day, which is now only 7 weeks away and 30 actual days in the office!

I think I'll try the embellisher for the next one, but it may have to wait until the dgd's trousers and sweater are finished. The shrug is completed and was much admired. Photo to follow when I can find my camera!

Looking forward to a rugby fest tomorrow. Can we bear to watch? Just in case it's needed, I see the BBC website has published the rules in what they describe as "simplified form". If you have a week or two spare check out the link at

It's all very interesting I'm sure, but simple it ain't! What I want to know is, is it essential not to have a neck in order to play good rugby? I've noticed that not many of the players have them, so I imagine there's a factory somewhere churning them out as in Lord of the Rings!

And on that note, back to the sewing machine tutorial!

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