Monday 22 October 2007

Never let it be said!

that I do things by half! This is the new collage picture for my latest postcard project. Initially I thought that I would find Picasa very useful, but having used it a few times now, I find that I don't like the way it arranges the folders and I haven't found a way to amend it. There will be a way I'm sure, but as is usual with computers, you need a lifetime to find the answer and it's not intuitive. So, it's back to good old Paint Shop Pro version 7, I think, but familiar and I know where my files are and how to retrieve them. This image is a composite of the two photos below, with a bit of jiggery pokery and layering.

Sadly, when printing this image onto treated silk, the clolours are much darker and duller than they appear on the screen, so this will be another learning curve. This time, I think I will turn to fee machine embroidery and hope to lift the colour with bright and metallic threads and beads.
I have been practicing with the new sewing machine and have learned to progamme stitch combinations. These will be useful for the little velvet evening bags that will be our bread and butter post R day, I wish. They will have hand spun silk cords and tassels, dyed to match, the yarn being spun as we speak. So what has happened to the cotton yarn? Well, I've plied what I've spun so far and there I will leave it until I can think of a use for it. All the loose bits and scrappy broken bits will be useful for embellishing. And so back to the coal face!

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